At SMASHER Training we keep classes small to ensure every person has the attention and feels supported and motivated to work at the intensity that is right for him/her. All our group classes are in English/Hungarian led by excellent English speaking and even native speaker coaches.
You can create your own group with friends or family (min 4 – max 8) or join the groups in our schedule.
Athletic conditioning session
Duration: 55-60 min Avg. Calorie Burn: 650-700 calories A normal class includes a dynamic warm-up followed by strength and conditioning intervals designed specifically to improve your overall fitness. The classes are programmed carefully by our head coach following sport theory principles in order to ensure you will get the best results and be injury free.
If you are one of those who are looking for a challenge and be taken out of your comfort zone in a fun and cool team environment, SMASHER group training – with excellent English speaking trainers – is for you. Our facility is equipped with battling ropes, suspension trainers, plyoboxes, kettlebells, monkey bars and lots of fun and effective fitness equipment.
With all these our coaches will take you on a high energy journey; you and your teammates will experience a real rush, and the best part of it is that you will burn tons of calories, work on your strength and athletic skills while laughing and having plenty of fun. You will find again your inner athletic child.
Mobility and Stretching group session
Classes include a 15 min warm up followed by focusing on a specific body part for 55 min to ensure injury free stretching and maximum effect. From complete beginners to gymnasts all welcome as in the class progressions are shown. Feel free to come even with an injury, in fact classes are extremely helpful if you have been suffering any. There are 3 topics which we rotate every class. Classes are every second Tue at 7PM.
Shoulders-arms-neck – specifically ideal for those sitting long hours or practice a heavy sport on upper body.
Hip opening and legs in general- ideal for all
Neck-chest- body rotations – specifically ideal in case of postural problems, stress related upper body stiffness, excessive body building,
Stretching for Runners
We have designed this special class for those who run either as their activity or play a sport that requires extensive running. On the classes we pay extra attention to hamstrings and hip flexors, ankle and hip mobility- specifically ideal for runners, football, hockey players, etc.
Every second Tue at 7PM.
In case you want to work something specific with your group or have specific needs, we can listen and prepare something according to the needs of your team.
Group schedule from Sept 23 2024
- Monday: 7:00 PM Athletic conditioning
- Tuesday: 7:00 PM Mobility & Stretching (every second Tue), Stretching for Runners (every alternating Tue)
- Wednesday: 7:00 PM Athletic conditioning
Sign up is required for the chosen classes. Here you can find our easy system: